May 1-9, Texas
Bay-breasted Warbler, Nueces Co., TX |

May 1 |
Piratic Flycatcher, Nueces Co., TX |

May 4 |
Adak Island, AK--May 11-18 St. Paul
Is., AK--May 25-29
Tundra Bean-Goose, Adak, AK |

May 11 |
Closer view |

Green-winged Teal (Eurasian) |

May 12 |
Tufted Puffin |

May 17 |
Whiskered Auklet |

May 17 |
Flocks and flocks of auklets |

May 17 |
Lapland Longspur, St. Paul Is., AK |

May 27 |
Least Auklet, St. Paul Island, AK |

May 27 |
Red-legged Kittiwake, St. Paul Is., AK |

May 27 |
Parakeet Auklet, St. Paul Is., AK |

May 27 |
Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch, St. Paul Is., AK |

May 28 |